• 无人机




We encourage you to explore our website to learn more about 赌场捕鱼网投. Discover 赌场捕鱼网投's approach to serious academics through our engaging and experiential teaching as well as some of our unique programs, 包括三月学期和赌场捕鱼网投荒野体验(AWE).

Our admission process is designed to give us the opportunity to learn about you while you discover 赌场捕鱼网投. 我们看 除了典型的资历. 优秀的学习成绩很重要, and we seek students who embrace 赌场捕鱼网投's philosophy and approach to education. The 赌场官方网投 Committee also looks for students who will add to the mix of experiences, 人才, 背景, 以及创造一个充满活力的学习型社区的观点.

招生团队在这里帮助你完成申请过程. 赌场捕鱼网投 在这里 在任何时候.


  1. 通过点击在Ravenna创建一个帐户 在这里.
  2. Once in Ravenna, find 赌场捕鱼网投 in the School Directory and hit "apply." 
  3. Familiarize yourself with all application steps, required and optional, listed in Ravenna.
  4. Complete the 上学校 Application Form in Ravenna and submit the $100 application fee. 此表格是“初步申请”.”(请联系 赌场捕鱼网投的承认 如果费用对你的家庭有困难,你可以申请学费减免.)
  5. 报名参加拉文纳的秋季和冬季活动.
  6. The full application is due in January (see steps outlined to the right). 


没有在美国上过学的申请人.S. for at least the past three years, should complete the International 学生 Application. 这适用于日间和寄宿学生申请人. 请与 招生办公室 with questions regarding status as a domestic or international applicant.

International students achieve fluency in English, and gain a strong overall academic foundation. 学生s who need English support in grades 9 or 10 benefit from 赌场捕鱼网投's rigorous ESL curriculum.

  • 圣应用程序: 请注意是否使用SAO应用程序, 赌场捕鱼网投要求在SAO中包含补充表格 and we strongly encourage applicants using the SAO application to create a complete student profile in Ravenna (www.ravenna-hub.com),以检讨申请进度, 注册其他必要步骤并查看录取决定.
  • 初中和高中申请者九年级欢迎国际学生报名, 10, or 11, 我们的登机计划, 工作人员, 课程支持他们. 中学(6-8年级)专为本地学生设计. International students applying to the 中学 should have attended school in the U.S. for at least 3 years, speak and write English fluently, and live with an family member near 赌场捕鱼网投.
  • 国际学生面试(必选): 此步骤在申请表格完成后进行. 对于来自中国的申请人,请参阅下面的说明.

因为来自中国的申请者数量很大, 赌场捕鱼网投大学无法对所有申请者进行面试, 不论国籍或目前居住的国家. 居住在中国,申请9年级的申请人, 10, or 11, please contact Vericant to complete a preliminary interview in China (by January). Before contacting Vericant, start an application to 赌场捕鱼网投 in Ravenna. 赌场捕鱼网投 will also contact a small group of final candidates for formal interviews after reviewing all applications.



  • 参观校园

    A Campus Visit is part of the application process and should be completed prior to the virtual interview. To register for a Campus Visit and other admission events, sign up or log in to Ravenna.

    *联系 招生办公室 if you are unable to come to campus or if you live out of state or out of the country to schedule a virtual campus visit.
  • 教师推荐表格

    • Be sure to include each teacher's email address so that the forms can be sent to them.
    • At least one recommendation must be from a Math teacher, and one from an English teacher. 
    Please log in to Ravenna to enter the names of the teachers and their email addresses. 
  • 记录请求

    这 form must be completed and submitted to the student's current school to authorize the release of documents.

    赌场捕鱼网投 requires a transcript of grades or report card for the current 2023-2024 school year and a final transcript of grades or report card for the 2022-2023 and 2021-2022 school year. 学校可以提交电子成绩单或纸质成绩单.

    重要的是: 为了避免重复你学校注册员的工作, registrars are instructed that records not be sent until first trimester or second quarter or first semester grades are completed. 如果你的学期在申请截止日期后结束, they will send 2023-2024 grades as soon as possible after the second quarter or semester has ended.

    仅限国际学生: 成绩单必须正式翻译成英文.
  • 写作练习

    将在Test Innovators的支持下在线举行. 要注册,请点击 在这里 选择一个日期并注册. 请只登记一个日期. 在线写作练习需要支付50美元的费用. 联系 赌场捕鱼网投的承认 如果费用对你的家庭有困难,你可以申请学费减免.

    More information about the goals of the writing exercise can be found in Ravenna.

    *参加过托福考试的国际申请者不需要, 雅思考试, Duolingo, 或完成了真实的面谈.

  • 学生 & 家庭采访

    这 provides an opportunity to learn more about the student’s interests, 教育经历, 赌场捕鱼网投对他们有什么吸引力. It also provides the student an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about 赌场捕鱼网投's programs. Interviews will be held online and should be scheduled for after the student visit. 

    To schedule an interview use the Register for an event link  in Ravenna. 请只报名参加一次面试. 确认将通过help@ravennasolutions发送.com to the email address used to create the account in Ravenna and include the Zoom link.

    请注意:此活动仅限学生及家长/监护人参加。. Please select a quiet location away from any distractions or interruptions to complete the interview.
  • 学生补充

    学生陈述 & 学生 Activity and Interest Form are common forms which provide another opportunity for the 赌场官方网投 Committee to learn more about the student’s interests and activities, 教育经历, 以及对赌场捕鱼网投的兴趣. 请在拉文纳填写此信息.

    注意:如果你正在申请其他独立学校, the responses to these forms will also be sent to those schools utilizing this option.
  • 校长/辅导员推荐(可选)

    If the principal or counselor does not receive an email containing the secure link to the recommendation form, 请与招生办公室联系,电话 admission@dinghykit.com or 925-362-7223. We will assist in providing the recommendation form to the principal or counselor.
  • 只限国际学生

    TOEFL Jr, TOEFL@Home, Duolingo或雅思考试). 联系 招生办公室 如果没有可用的英语测试.


    请注意是否使用SAO应用程序, 赌场捕鱼网投要求在SAO中包含补充表格.

    国际学生面试(必选): 此步骤在申请表格完成后进行. 对于来自中国的申请人,请参见下面的说明.

    因为来自中国的申请者数量很大, 赌场捕鱼网投大学无法对所有申请者进行面试, 不论国籍或目前居住的国家. 居住在中国,申请9年级的申请人, 10, or 11, please contact Vericant to complete a preliminary interview in China (by January). Before contacting Vericant, stat an application to 赌场捕鱼网投 in Ravenna. 赌场捕鱼网投 will also contact a small group of final candidates for formal interviews after reviewing all applications.

  • 标准化测试(非要求或接受)

    赌场捕鱼网投 does not require an entrance examination for students applying for fall entry (day or domestic students). Please do not submit any standardized testing scores as they will not be reviewed nor considered by the 赌场官方网投 Committee. 如果你是一名国际学生,我们确实需要一些测试. 参见上文国际学生部分.
